5 Safe exercises you can do during Pregnancy

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These days, most doctors agree that staying active during pregnancy is very important. However, attitudes about prenatal fitness have evolved significantly over the past few decades.

There’s still a great deal of misinformation floating around about how much exercise is best and what KIND of exercises produce the best results.

This makes it hard to know exactly what type of workout is best for you. So we’ve decided to put together a list of 5 of the best, and safest, exercises for staying fit during pregnancy.

1. Stationary Cycling

Stationary cycling is one of the best exercises for getting maximum results in minimum time. It engages the most powerful muscles in your body, your thigh muscles, which is super-beneficial for building a healthy heart and metabolism.

Most professionals claim that high intensity interval training is the best way to exercise on a stationary cycle. For example, here’s what a 10 minute session of high intensity interval training might look like:

*Please consult your doctor before starting any kind of exercise routine.

  • 2 minutes warm up – slow to moderate speed.
  • 30 seconds at maximum speed.
  • 1 minute at moderate speed.
  • 30 seconds at maximum speed.
  • 1 minute at moderate speed.
  • 30 seconds at maximum speed.
  • 1 minute at moderate speed.
  • 30 seconds at maximum speed.
  • 1 minute at moderate speed.
  • 30 seconds at maximum speed.
  • 1 minute at moderate speed.
  • 2 minutes cool down – slow to moderate speed.

2. Swimming

Swimming is one of the best exercises you can do at any time in your life, especially during pregnancy. Not only does it provide good resistance training, it’s a great cardio vascular exercise as well. Also, unlike jogging or walking, swimming doesn’t put any extra strain on your joints.

3. Yoga

Yoga is a terrific exercise for both your body and your mind. It promotes better blood circulation, flexibility and core strength. It also teaches you to regulate your breathing, which will be very important during labour.

Of course, one of the best long term benefits of Yoga is gaining more body awareness and mental focus. This makes it a great all around exercise for staying fit during pregnancy.

As your pregnancy progresses, you’ll want to adjust your approach by using different Yoga poses and routines. This can be a challenge for women who don’t have prior experience with doing Yoga. So for best results, find a Yoga instructor who has experience working with pregnant women.

4. Speed Walking

Speed walking is another great option for staying fit during pregnancy. This is because walking can be just as beneficial as jogging or running on a treadmill, only without the excessive impact on your joints.

While using a treadmill might seem more convenient, you might also want to find a safe place to walk outdoors. The fresh air will be good for your body and relaxing for your mind. If you’re walking outside, we also recommend finding a reliable workout partner to accompany you during your walks.

5. Light Aerobic Routines

Don’t have time to leave the house or to attend a Yoga class? You can always depend on a good set of aerobics DVDs. A good aerobic routine can last as long as 30 minutes, but even 8 to 12 minutes a day is sufficient.

Start with a light stretching routine (maybe a few Yoga poses) and make sure to include a 2 to 3 minute cool down period at the end. If you experience any pain or discomfort in your pelvic area or abdomen, don’t try and work through it. Stop and go directly to your cool down period.

Please Consult Your Doctor First

It’s important to consult your pregnancy doctor before starting any new exercise routine. Your doctor can advise you on which exercises might be best for your body type, and for each stage of your pregnancy.

A good pregnancy doctor can also help you develop a nutrition plan which will help you have the healthiest pregnancy possible. If you don’t already have a trustworthy pregnancy doctor, Dr Bailey can help. Just, pick up the phone and call us at 02 4959 3883.

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