Got Baby on the Brain? Things New Mothers Should Know

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Have you been dreaming of the sound of the “pitter patter” of little feet on the floor? Are you getting that 90% excited, 10% scared feeling that all aspiring mothers experience?

If so, you should know that there’s one universal rule of motherhood; one which every woman should know about…

Challenges which you’ve never heard of, or even thought about, are headed your way.

But don’t worry. Motherhood might be a first for you, but you’re biologically wired to be great at it! Still, it’s important to learn as much as you can about the adventure that’s headed your way.

Here are a few things to start with…

3 Things Every New Mother Should Know…and Do1. Double Your Baby Budget

Do you have a budget for your new baby? If so, double it, because you’re probably at least that far off. Just think about when you go to the grocery store and end up buying twice as much as you planned on buying. That’s what it’s like to shop for a new baby.

Don’t worry though. If you’re early in your pregnancy, you’ve got plenty of time to plan ahead. The better prepared you are financially; the easier time you’re going to have during the first few years of motherhood.2. Stay Active

As your pregnancy progresses, the temptation to become a coach potato will become pretty strong. Don’t. It’s important for both your pregnancy and your recovery that you stay active.

Women who remain active during pregnancy have a much easier time getting back into shape after they’ve given birth.

They’re also less likely to experience pain and other complications during their term. If you’re wondering what exercises are best, see our article on the best kinds of exercises for pregnant women.3. Start Building Your Team

If you’re early in your pregnancy, you’ll be smart to befriend some experienced moms. There’s no substitution for experience, and nothing beats having a support group of experienced mums to be with you through your pregnancy.

Remember, you don’t know what you don’t know. But if you have enough experienced moms on your team, you can bet they’ll tell you about all the things you simply hadn’t thought of or planned on.

Don’t Forget Your Most Important Team Member

Of course, the most important person to have on your team is a good pregnancy doctor. That’s where we can help. If you’re going to be a new mum anytime in the next year, please pick up the phone and call us on (02) 4959 3883 to set up an appointment with Dr Bailey.

to set up an appointment with Dr Bailey.

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