Obstetrics Prices
The initial consultation fee is $220 and every subsequent antenatal visit is $100. You will be reimbursed through Medicare for these visits, $80.00 and $44.15 respectively, until you reach your Medicare Safety Net, after which your antenatal visit reimbursement will increase depending on your family income.
There is a one-time Planning and Management fee, which is charged by all obstetricians to help cover the cost of the obstetrician being on call 24 hours a day, his/her medical insurance for the delivery, and coordinating and overseeing your care throughout your pregnancy. Our doctors charge $2800 for this service and Medicare will reimburse $300-$750 depending on your family income.
Our doctors participate in ‘No Gap’ schemes with most private health funds. This means that you will have no out-of-pocket expenses, other than your excess, for your delivery regardless of whether you have a vaginal delivery or caesarean section. There may be additional charges for pathology and ultrasounds. If a paediatrician, anaesthetist or surgical assistant is required, they may bill you separately.
Roxanne will go over these fees at your first visit and, as always, feel free to ask any questions.
Gynaecology Prices
The initial consultation fee is $220 and every follow-up visit is $100. You will be reimbursed through Medicare for these visits $81.30 and $40.85 respectively. If there are any additional procedures at your visit, additional fees may apply.
If you need surgery, our doctors participate in ‘Gap’ schemes with most private health funds. This means that you may be out-of-pocket an additional $500 maximum for surgery, other than your excess, for services. Whether or not you have any additional expenses, such as hospital, anaesthetist or surgical assistant costs, will depend on what surgery you are considering and your level of private health insurance.
If you have any questions at all about our charges, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.