Unexplained Infertility Demystified
You’ve been to the fertility doctor. They say there’s nothing wrong with you. They say there’s nothing wrong with your partner. Everything seems just fine. You should be able to get pregnant just as easily as any other woman your age.
Yet, it still seems that no matter how much you try, you can’t seem to get pregnant. Why? Unexplained fertility is frustrating, confusing and perplexing; especially when even the experts don’t seem to have any answers for you.
Thankfully, there’s a way to get certainty. Here are three simple things, which most women don’t know, and which can greatly reduce the frustration and uncertainty of unexplained fertility…
#1: Your Biological “Law of Averages”
This might sound horribly logistic, but getting pregnant is as much a matter of simple maths as it is a matter of biology.
For example, the “Law of Averages” is a simple concept which sales people use to determine how many sales they’ll make in a day, a week or a month. In most cases, the maths is very easy: if you call on 100 potential customers, 10 of them are going to talk to you about your product, and one of those ten is going to buy.
Getting pregnant is similar. Even for fertile couples, you’ve got about a 5% chance of conceiving. In other words, your “Biological Law of Averages” puts you at about a 1 in 20 chance of getting pregnant.
This means, just as the sales person can never be 100% certain of whom their 1 in 100 buyer is, you can never be 100% certain of when your 1 in 20 conception will happen. So, if you want to increase your odds of getting pregnant, sometimes all you’ve got to do is increase the odds by having more sex.
#2: Timing Makes a Big Difference
On top of having only a 1 in 20 chance of getting pregnant, you also want to make sure your timing is right for conception. There are times of the month when you’re more fertile than others. For example, most women know that it’s nearly impossible to get pregnant during their period.
But many women don’t know that there’s a monthly window of opportunity when you’re MUCH more likely to get pregnant than other times. This is why it’s important to track your ovulation cycles, especially if you’re trying to get pregnant.
If you’re unsure about how to do this, ask your O & G, or call 02 4959 3883 to set an appointment with one of our fertility specialists.
#3: Talk to Your Partner
For thousands of years of human history, women, not men, have been blamed for infertility. These days, we understand that infertility can be just as much a man’s issue as it is a woman’s. If you and your partner are having trouble conceiving, talk to your partner about seeing a doctor themselves.
Many times, pride, or lack of awareness, can keep a man from even exploring the possibility that infertility might be a challenge for him. But don’t let your partner stick his head in the sand. Talk to him about your concerns.
If you’ve tried everything and you’re still not getting pregnant, make him see a doctor. You might be surprised at what you’ll find out. It might even be the answer you’ve been looking for.
Still Have Questions About Unexplained Fertility?
We hope this information has been helpful. But if you still have questions about unexplained infertility, we can help. Just call the number on this site to set an appointment with one of our doctors. We have helped many women enjoy healthy and successful pregnancies, and you could be one of them.
Just pick up the phone and call us on 02 4959 3883 to schedule your appointment.